Monday, March 24, 2008


I'm a genius until I sit down in front of this damn computer.  

I've been testing this theory recently and, so far, it's the same every time.  I go for a walk and within 30 seconds the thoughts begin to flow... I'm articulate... maybe even profound.  It's prose and it's beautiful and I think it's even moving.  Sometimes funny.  And honestly, sometimes I come across thoughts that are so lovely and touching or raw and truthful that I think they come from some other source.  

Of course, when this happens, I want to write them down.  I am always eager to grab onto those beautiful sentences and hold them and look at them and make sure they match the perfect arrangement in my head.  But give me a pen or a keyboard and they evaporate.

I haven't given much to writing these last few years, and really not ever, so I have high hopes that this it is in fact "writer's block".  It will be pretty difficult to write a novel otherwise, and that's one thing on my life "to do" list that always seemed appealing.  

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