Sunday, March 30, 2008


If I'm to learn anything from my own personal history, it's that my next phase of evolution will more than likely include whatever it is I waste my time ridiculing now.  So far, that's how I've come to be a Waldorf homeschooling Buddhist acupuncturist.

I remember thinking how insane it was to homeschool - those poor women with control issues and no other lives.  And I have to cringe now remembering that, as a kid, I casually referred to the kids who attended the local Waldorf school as "the weirdos".  Buddhism was a cult... until the Dalai Lama became really popular... and then it was just "in".  

And then there's acupuncture.  I remember meeting an anorexic supermodel-looking girl in a dance club who explained to me that she had to get up early to see her acupuncturist, Dr. Wu, the following morning so that she could get her period again.  Dr. Wu had explained to her that her Yin and Yang were out of balance among other things.   I was dating a surgical resident at the time, so of course I knew next to everything, and considered myself very mature for listening politely to the rest of these absurd explanation of her health issues.  The next day, I told my doctor boyfriend the whole story and we laughed all the way to 10:30 mass.

Oops... am I headed for Catholicism again??

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