Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I love that kid

It's a think I find myself thinking all the time. And it's often sparked by the most unexpected details of my day.

I never imagined that an unflushed poop, a rolled up sock in the corner or even a piece of bagel wedged in to my couch could arouse such affection and put a smile on my face. But sometimes those are precisely the things that shed light on my blessings. My life is literally full of surprises. And reminders... that I'm lucky enough to have these pure little spirits in my life. And while there are plenty of days when these little details mean work and aggravation to me, tonight the crumbs on my floor and the tiny fingerprints all over my stainless steel appliances tell me that my home is alive with happy children.

There's never been a better reason for chaos and clutter. Lucky, lucky me.