Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sleepwalking again

Almost walked right into a pile of shit. Grazed it even.

And it doesn't take long. Just the blink of an eye really.

A little time in front of the television that could have been spent talking.
Preoccupation with dinner preparation when I could be enjoying my children.
Checking e-mails instead of painting.
Or exercising.
Or laughing.
Missing a few meals... and a few other things that could feed my soul.
Not going for that walk.
Or reading.
Or writing.
Being angry.
Wasting time trying to be right.
Online shopping... I mean, come on.
Going, going, going when I need to just be.
And stopping when I need to keep going.

And it's just a week... and then a month... and then, suddenly, it's my life.

And I don't want to waste it. Time to wake up so I can be a part of my real dreams.

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