Friday, July 18, 2008

Looking for signs

I've been visiting whenever I can. Me and my little toolkit. Gold needles, frankincense and myrrh. She seemed to like geranium oil... Whatever I think might help. But I feel like I'm fumbling through this now... hoping it's divinity and not desperation that's guiding me.

Darlene is fighting for her. She does everything she can think of to allow her to make her own choice - but windows of opportunity seem to be closing. Obstacles popping up everywhere. And she can't discern truth from fear from hope from delusion. And neither can I. So she's asked for a sign. Just something to let her know which way to go... whether she needs help holding on or letting go. Maybe a Bonnie Raitt song. She'll keep the radio on.

I watched Darlene tell her that it's ok to go. I watched her flinch as she said the words. Her pain is palpable and it's hard to say who is suffering more. So please, a sign. Darlene needs a sign.

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